FAS Aligner System

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FORESTADENT - Digital Products - FAS Aligner System
FORESTADENT - Digital Products - FAS Aligner System - Key Visual

FAS Aligner System

Bringing a new philosophy to the world of aligners

Here it is – The aligner system that looks at aligner treatments just the way you would look at traditional treatments with fixed orthodontic appliances. For our team of orthodontists each case is first and foremost a patient. And every patient is unique. With this in mind we create realistic and individual treatment plans under the motto “As unique as you are”. And digital or not – instead of using artificial intelligence this planning is done by real orthodontist for real patients.

Real orthodontic treatment planning

→  Done by human specialists

→  Tailored to individual patients rather than “one size fits all”

→  Detailed planning as done in classical orthodontics with fixed appliances

→  Considerations of all factors possibly influencing the case

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→  Excellence in function and esthtetics

→  Orthopedically stable occlusion

→  Improvement of oral health

→  Long-term stability

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Step-by-step treatment

→  Treatment separated into different phases

→  Up to date control over treatment progress

→  Immediate adaption of plan possible when deviations occur

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Advanced diagnostics

Optional use of CBCT/3D x-rays and dynamic records

→  Visualization of real roots

→  Evaluation of bone offering and quality

→  Consideration of the arc of closure and dynamic forces created by the movements

FAS Diagnostics

Whether 2D, 3D or 4D data – a comprehensive and accurate diagnosis is the basis of successful treatments. Well-planned aligner treatments lead to esthetically pleasing, long-term stable results – and above all, they are also functionally correct due to the orthopedically stable occlusion.

2D Data

Intraoral and facial photos, Panoramic X‑ray, lateral x‑ray

2D Data

Evaluation of tooth status, occlusion, profile and smile line.

3D Data

Intraoral scans and CBCT/3D x-rays

3D Data

Scans are the basis for digital planning. With the help of a CBCT/3D x-ray we can optionally visualize the real roots together with their position and consider this data in the treatment plan. Integration of the condyles into the treatment plan is also possible.

4D Data

Dynamic records of real jaw movements

4D Data

Dynamic records of the movements of the mandible allow us to implement the dynamic forces, e.g. during mastication, into the treatment plan in order to achieve long-term stable results and occlusion.

FAS Wizard

Our team plans for you!

The Wizard is an online form with seven dedicated sections through which you give us the instructions our team needs to plan your case according to your expectations.

1. Vertical dimension

2. Transversal dimension (mid line)

3. Sagittal Dimension

4. Bolton Discrepancy Analysis

5. Limitations

6. Anchorage planning

7. FAS STOP and GO®

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Download FAS Workbook

Further information and details can be found in the FAS Workbook.

FAS OcclusalDesign®

Show your patient the before and after

First of all, the OcclusalDesign® is our tool to visualize the planned progress of the treatment. But it is much more. It gives you the option to review all details of the case in a customizable layout.


See an overview of all individual steps and detailed information on which movements are planned.


See a visualization of all contact points in the course of treatment.


Make a direct comparison between the initial situation and the planned outcome.

Attachments & IPR

See when and where attachments are to be placed and when and where to perform IPR.

FORESTADENT - Digital Products - FAS Occlusal design
FORESTADENT - Digital Products - FAS Occlusal design


STOP and GO® is a verification step built in e.g. after difficult movements. Aligners are delivered up to this stage and then it is on you to evaluate whether the objectives planned up to this stage have been achieved.

Go! – Treatment progress according to plan

  • We simply continue with the original plan.
  • We fabricate the rest of the aligners and ship them to you.

STOP! – In case of deviations

  • You take new scans of the current situation.
  • You upload the new data.
  • Our team modifies the OcclusalDesign® based on new data.
  • You approve the OcclusalDesign® and we fabricate new aligners.
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You and your patient are not wasting time with ill-fitting aligners that do not achieve the planned objectives.


Direct control over treatment progress.

Patient compliance is increased since they see and feel the progress.

Less waste since we do not produce eventually unnecessary aligners.

FAS Treatment guide

In addition to the web based OcclusalDesign® you also receive the FAS treatment guide which shows you the summary of all vital information at a glance.

FORESTADENT - Digital Products - FAS Aligner System - Treatment Plan
FORESTADENT - Digital Products - FAS Aligner System - Treatment Plan
FORESTADENT - Digital Products - FAS Aligner System - Treatment Plan
FORESTADENT - Digital Products - FAS Aligners - Brochure

Download FAS brochure

Further information and details can be found in our brochure.